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A photo of a Redshank

According to one source, the Redshank is known for extreme alertness and has earned the name of the "sentinel of the marsh", sounding a "hysterical volley of harsh, piping notes" as soon as any intruder approaches.

Named after it's notable red shanks (legs), this bird inhabits a variety of grassy meadows, river meadows and marshes. They live off all sorts of invertebrates, small fish and frogs, as well as some seeds, buds and berries.

Breeding from mid-April onwards, they will nest amongst grass in a shallowed, lined hollow in the ground. Three or four eggs will be laid and both adults will incubate them for about three and a half weeks. Young birds remain in dense vegetation in the marshes until they are old enough to fly, guarded by their ever-present mother.

Classified in the UK as Amber under the Birds of Conservation Concern 5: the Red List for Birds (2021).